April 2006
Jonathan Price Selected as 2006 Recipient of Philadelphia University’s Distinguished Adjunct Faculty
Keast & Hood Co. Associate Jonathan Price, PE, has been selected as one of the 2006 recipients of Philadelphia University s Distinguished Adjunct Faculty Award. The award is given in recognition of exemplary teaching and a commitment to the university s mission. Price has been an Adjunct Professor of Structures at Philadelphia University since 2000. Two Keast & Hood Co. projects are among the finalists in the Eastern Pennsylvania/Delaware Chapter American Concrete Institute annual awards competition. The Dumbarton Oaks Research Library in Washington, DC, is a finalist in the cast-in-place concrete frame outside chapter boundaries category. The University of Pennsylvania Museum MEP Upgrade is a finalist in the cast-in-place concrete frame within chapter boundaries category. Awards will be announced and presented at a dinner on April 26th.