August 2011
Daw Presents Archaic Structural Systems at AIA | DC
Matthew J. Daw, PE, LEED AP, Keast & Hood Co. principal and director of its Washington, DC, office will present Archaic Structural Systems II: Intervention of Historic Structures at the AIA | DC Chapter House 19 August 2011.
With nearly 60 years of practice involving the renovation and rehabilitation of historic structures, Keast & Hood Co. has compiled a vast library of data and experience with archaic structural building systems dating as far back as the 17th Century.
The presentation will provide an introduction to the many types of archaic structural systems, and will offer participants an understanding of how to work with these types of systems when encountered during renovation projects. Daw will describe the evolution of structural building systems, including strengths and limitations of each system, how to identify failure mechanisms, and strategies for repair or alteration.
Daw has presented extensively on the topic of archaic structures. He will present a similar program at the Virginia Architecture Expo in Richmond, Va., in November. For additional info, contact him at mdaw@keasthood.com. To register for the AIA event, click here.