June 2007
2007 Preservation Achievement Awards
Keast & Hood Co. was proud to be a part of two projects that earned 2007 Preservation Achievement Awards from the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia. The Union League of Philadelphia Exterior Restoration and the Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building Adaptive Reuse and Exterior Restoration for the Philadelphia Museum of Art both earned Grand Jury Awards. Our teammates for the Union League project included The Union League of Philadelphia; Aegis Property Group; Buttonwood Co, Inc.; Daniel J. Keating Co.; DPK&A, LLP; International Consultants, Inc.; Jeffrey Totaro Photographer; Masonry Preservation Group; Mulhern Consulting Engineers & Associates, Inc.; Pencoyd Iron Works, Inc.; and Tabor Acoustical. Our teammates for the Perelman Building included The Philadelphia Museum of Art; Gluckman Mayner Architects; John Milner Architects, Inc.; Kelly/Maiello, Inc.; L.F. Driscoll Co.; Norton Art Conservation, Inc.; Ove Arup & Partners; and Stephen McLaughlin.